Building on the successes of two previously awarded Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) grants, the Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance was recently awarded a new United States Environmental Protection Agency – GLRI grant.

This three year grant, awarded in August, provides funding for FWWA to work through Brown County Land Conservation Department to begin implementing Agricultural Conservation Practices in the Upper East River watershed.  Grant funding will provide a full time Brown County Land and Water Conservation Department staff person solely devoted to identifying areas where agricultural conservation practices can be implemented in order to reduce soil loss and nutrient loading to the Upper East River which discharges into the Lower Fox River in Green Bay. Funding for a pay for performance cover crop management system and buffer strips is provided by GLRI.  Additionally, the the dedicated staff in the Upper East will work with agricultural landowners to secure funding for implementation of conservation practices such as; grassed waterways, riparian buffers, water and sediment control basins, through traditional conservation funding sources.

Questions about this project can be directed to Chad VandenLangenberg at the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance –

Article Submitted by:
Chad VandenLangenberg
Project Coordinator:  Plum & Kankapot Creeks & Upper East River GLRI Projects
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance