Save the Date!
Green Bay Conservation Partners
Spring Roundtable
April 19, 2018
UW-Green Bay
8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Join us for an exciting event to share information and foster collaboration among conservation practitioners, researchers and stakeholders working in the bay of Green Bay, Lower Fox River watershed, Green Bay’s west shore and Door Peninsula.
The morning will kick-off with a series of lightning talks from Partners involved in restoration, monitoring, and other conservation projects around the region. An interactive roundtable session will follow with discussions on relevant conservation tools and topics. The event will end with a networking lunch that begins at 12:45 p.m.
If you have questions about this event, please contact:
Julia Noordyk, UW Sea Grant,, (920) 465-2795
For more information, visit
The Green Bay Conservation Partners was created in 2014 as a self-sustaining regional conservation partnership to facilitate coordinated conservation in the northeast Wisconsin region of the Green Bay watershed. The partnership consists of individuals working on natural resource issues for government agencies, tribal nations, universities, non-profit groups and others.
The mission of the partnership is to strengthen collaborative efforts among diverse conservation stakeholders to support efficient and effective preservation and enhancement of the land, water and other natural resources of Green Bay and the Lower Fox River watershed. These natural assets are vital to our economy, recreational activities and quality of life.
The focus region of this partnership is the bay of Green Bay, the Lower Fox River watershed, Green Bay’s west shore and the Door Peninsula.
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