During the month of April, we expanded our lake management planning team to include a project assistant. Please help us welcome Austin Pethan to the project! We also made progress with three of our technical teams and continued our outreach and engagement efforts.

Technical Team Progress:

Watershed Management

Representatives from four of the surrounding counties and the WI DNR met to begin the watershed management portion of the planning project. The team will eventually be expanded to include agricultural representatives as well as rural, urban, and suburban communities. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the feasibility of writing the lake management plan enhanced with EPA nine key elements. Writing the plan with nine key elements will open the door for additional conservation funding. All in attendance at the meeting agreed that this would benefit the plan and the community. The team is currently gathering available information to determine the level of additional effort that would be needed to move forward in this direction.

Water Quality

The Water Quality Team reviewed a recent report released by Tetra Tech about water quality in the lakes. The team plans to meet at the end of May to discuss the report and determine next steps.

Aquatic Invasive Species

Chris continues to make progress on drafting the updated aquatic invasive species strategic plan which will be incorporated into the lake management plan.

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Project Outreach and Engagement

On April 6th and 7th, Chris Acy promoted the lake management plan at the Mills Fleet Farm Spring Show at Lambeau Field in Green Bay.

From April 18th through April 20th, members of the Fox-Wolf Watershed team exhibited at the 2018 Wisconsin Lakes Convention to promote the lake management planning project. They also attended several presentations during the convention. To read more about the convention click here.

Our online presence through our project webpages, e-newsletter, and social media continues to grow. We invite you to follow us on Facebook or Twitter!

Winnebago Waterways Steering Committee:

The Steering Committee held meetings as planned during the month of April. The Committee decided to change the meeting schedule and will hold one meeting a month (instead of two) moving forward.

Questions? Contact Korin Doering, Winnebago Waterways Program Coordinator, at (920) 851-0948 or korin@fwwa.org.

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance program. The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is an independent nonprofit organization that identifies and advocates effective policies and actions that protect, restore, and sustain water resources in the Fox-Wolf River Basin.

Follow the Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance’s Winnebago Waterways Program on our Winnebago Waterways Facebook page or @WinnWaterways on Twitter! You can also sign-up for email updates at WinnebagoWaterways.org.