The Lake Winnebago Quality Improvement Association (LWQIA) announces the selection of the 2018 Annual Mathias/Leseynski Water Quality Award for Fond du Lac County farm producers.

In the photo from left to right: Bruce Peterson, board member of LWQIA, Ed Montsma accepting the award, and Kathryn Montsma.

The 2018 winner, Ed Montsma, owner of Piney Lawn Farm west of Fond du Lac, was announced at the June 24, 2018, Fond du Lac County Breakfast on the Farm.  A $1,000 cash award was also presented to Ed Montsma.

Ed Montsma has been no tilling on the Piney Lawn Farm for over 30 years and thus reduces sediment runoff into area streams and ultimately Lake Winnebago.

Ed Montsma also enjoys research and works with the UW Extension – Madison researchers on a corn and soybean test plot on his farm.  As a result, area farm producers do not have to travel far to observe state of the art research.

The Mathias/Leseynski Water Quality Award recognizes farm management practices that help protect surface water from runoff of sediments, nutrients and chemicals into rivers, streams and especially Lake Winnebago.  Good farm management practices are also an important and effective way of improving surface and ground water quality.

Additional information can be found at the following web site:


Article was submitted by Lawrence Kent from the LWQIA.