Saturday morning at Navarino Nature Center started with a 5k for fall nature lovers. After the run, runners and non-runners alike were given the opportunity to visit many booths and attractions around the nature center. There were wagon rides which gave tours of the wetland complex. Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance’s (FWWA) Emily Henrigillis and Brady Stockwell educated event goers about pollution and aquatic invasive species. 

Emily and Brady talked to over 120 people with the majority of them being under the age of 15. The wheel of pollution was the star of the show. Children spun the wheel and then were asked how their slice of the wheel caused pollution. Grass, leaves, and dirt were the three most spun choices. Both children and parents learned a lot about different pollution types. The best kids say the darndest quote was, “I got milk” when one little girl landed on chlorine. 

Brady led the “Learn your AIS” game. Families had to match information to corresponding pictures of curly-leaf pondweed, round goby, and zebra mussels. Almost everyone he spoke to had heard of zebra mussels, a smaller number had heard of round goby, and an even smaller number had heard of curly-leaf pondweed. 

The most interesting part of the day was vast number of people we talked to were not from the Shawano area. Most people had driven up from the Fox Valley to enjoy fall at Navarino. We even talked to a mom and daughter who had participated in the annual Fox River Clean Up event put on by FWWA. Overall, we had a great time teaching children and parents alike about AIS and pollution sources.