From NRCS:

New Upper Fox-Wolf Demonstration Farm Network Thriving in Northeast Wisconsin

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS) and Waupaca County Land & Water Conservation Department, in partnership with Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Outagamie, Portage, Shawano, and Winnebago counties and the Green Lake Association, are leading a successful network, the Upper Fox-Wolf Demonstration Farm Network. The partnership is supporting ten farms that are demonstrating the best conservation practices to reduce phosphorus entering the Great Lakes basin.

This partnership addresses the effectiveness of current conservation systems used to reduce nonpoint source pollution. The network demonstrates to farmers and the public that the right combination of traditional conservation practices and other new, innovative technologies functioning on the landscape can produce viable and sustainable economic and environmental benefits. Each farm has selected conservation practices to demonstrate

The new demonstration farms are making a positive impact in the Upper Fox-Wolf Watersheds. Five of the farms have already hosted or are planning upcoming field days to share with the public and farmers the difference conservation and soil health practices, like no-till and multi-species cover crops, are making on the landscape. As more farmers learn about the positive impact conservation can make, the network will support farmers in adopting those innovative practices.

If you are interested in being notified about upcoming Upper Fox-Wolf Demonstration Farm field days, text (case sensitive) “FoxWolfDemo” to 88202. To see a map of the ten farm locations, click here. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter by searching “Upper Fox Wolf Demonstration Farm Network.” Also, visit our website to learn more:

Fond du Lac and Winnebago Counties are both project partners and funding sources for the Winnebago Waterways Project. Their involvement with this project directly contributes to water quality improvement efforts for the Winnebago Waterways. The development of the Lake Management Plan for the Winnebago System will bolster current regional conservation efforts and help create new opportunities in the region as well. To learn more about the Lake Management Plan that the Winnebago Waterway’s Program is developing, click HERE.

Other demonstration farm networks exist too! Check out the awesome work being done by the Lower Fox Demonstration Farms Network HERE. Last year they put out an awesome video highlighting their work and dedication to soil health and water quality. Although the video is of the Lower Fox Demonstration Farms Network, the new Upper Fox-Wolf Demonstration Farm Network is implementing very similar efforts and practices.

Questions? Comments? Contact Austin Pethan, the Winnebago Waterway’s Progam Assistant at (920) 851 – 4295 or

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance program. The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is an independent nonprofit organization that identifies and advocates effective policies and actions that protect, restore, and sustain water resources in the Fox-Wolf River Basin.

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