Although Wisconsin’s lakes are starting to freeze, the fight against aquatic invasive species (AIS) hasn’t stopped. Even during the winter, it’s possible to transport plant fragments, tiny organisms, and the deadly infectious fish disease, viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS). That’s why Connecting Our Waters has been traveling around Shawano and talking to live bait dealers. As trusted sources of information about local fishing hot spots and tips for rippin’ lips, bait shops have the unique opportunity to help stop AIS from entering or spreading from local waterbodies. These bait shops can offer education on how to preserve our abundant fisheries every time their customers visit a lake or river. Anglers are urged to never release bait into local waters. The alternative is to take your bait home to use again, but only if water has not been introduced to the container. In addition to being illegal in Wisconsin, moving water from one lake to another could transport small invaders or disease.

Local businesses, like Kuhn’s Bait & Tackle Palace and Hacker Bait & Tackle, have already been spreading AIS education for years; Connecting Our Waters is giving them the supplies to do it in style! Look for floating foam keychains and eye-catching bait bucket stickers. Some Shawano area gas stations that also sell live bait have agreed to display colorful posters that remind anglers to be responsible with their fishing supplies.

For more information, contact:
Anna Bartsch
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator – Shawano & Menominee