The Wisconsin DNR recently released a report that provides a summary of results from their 2019 bottom trawling surveys in Lake Winnebago. According to Adam Nickel, Senior Fisheries Biologist, “The trawl assessment provides year class strength data for various game and forage fish species within the system, while also providing insight into trends within the adult population”.

Bottom trawling in Lake Winnebago has occured each year using a standardized method since 1986. The survey provides long-term data from 46 GPS waypoints during the first week of August, September, and October. The data collected enables the WDNR fisheries staff to evaluate trends in recruitment and adult abundance of various important game, pan, and forage fish species on the Winnebago System.

The main objectives of the trawling assessment are to:

  1. Provide critical information on year class strength of game and nongame fish species.
  2. Monitor trends in the forage base.
  3. Monitor general population trends of game and nongame fish species.

According to Adam, “the 2019 trawling results revealed a few highlights including measurable walleye and yellow perch hatches and a near record year class of freshwater drum”.

Species discussed in the report include: walleye, sauger, yellow perch, crappie, white bass, freshwater drum, trout perch, and gizzard shad. Trawling records provided in tables within the report list trawling records for additional species.

The 2019 Lake Winnebago Bottom Trawling Assessment Report is available:  CLICK HERE

Successful completion of the annual trawling surveys relies upon the help of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering with the WDNR during their 2020 trawling efforts aboard the Calumet Research Vessel, please contact:

Adam Nickel, WDNR
(920) 424-3059

This article was posted by Korin Doering, Winnebago Waterways Program Coordinator, on 3/10/2020. Contact Korin at (920) 851-0948 or

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance program. The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is an independent nonprofit organization that identifies and advocates effective policies and actions that protect, restore, and sustain water resources in the Fox-Wolf River Basin.