With warming weather, now is a great time to become a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance volunteer!

We have several programs that rely on help from volunteers to be successful. Most volunteer opportunities can be done at a safe social distance and tie in directly to your favorite activities!

Like to boat or kayak? Searching for aquatic invasive species can be done while out on the water!

Enjoy talking with other boaters? The Clean Boats Clean Waters Program is a great way to shoot the breeze while protecting your lake or river!

Like to help clean up the environment and see immediate results from your labor? Fox-Wolf’s Adopt-a-Launch Program might be for you!

Have a favorite stream OR enjoy an excuse to get your boat out on the lakes? The Winnebago Waterways Program is looking for stream and in-lake water quality volunteers!

Volunteering with the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is a great way to get involved, get out in nature, and stay safe!

Want to learn more? Contact us today!

Chris Acy, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, chris@fwwa.org, 920-460-3674
Korin Doering, Winnebago Waterways Director, korin@fwwa.org, 920-851-0948