July 13, 2020 – The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is seeking public review and comments on the Winnebago Waterways Lake Management Plan for the four Winnebago Pool Lakes and surrounding watersheds.

The public comment period starts on July 13th and extends through July 31st, 2020.

The lake plan aims to improve the health and enjoyment of the Winnebago Lakes by laying out a framework to meet water quality and pollution reduction targets over a 20-year timeframe. Recommendations to improve water quality include widespread adoption of agriculture and urban stormwater best management practices as well as restoration of aquatic plants through water level management and breakwalls. The plan also includes goals and recommendations for habitat restoration, aquatic plant management, water levels, invasive species, shoreline improvements, and recreation.

Over the past several years, there have been numerous opportunities for members of the public to participate in the development of the plan. This includes public meetings, public events, technical teams, focus groups, and surveys. Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance, through the Winnebago Waterways Program, is promoting one more opportunity for the public to provide their input during a public comment period. Once the plan is finalized, it will be used by partners in the region to guide their efforts as they work toward recovery of the Winnebago Lakes.

If you have an interest in the lakes, spend time on the lakes, live on the lakes, have a business in the area, or live within the five county region surrounding the lakes, we encourage you to review the plan and provide your comments.

CLICK HERE to access the lake plan documents and online comment submission form.