Help Maintain Your Favorite Launch and Be Recognized Today!
The Fox-Wolf Adopt-a-Launch Program works to improve and clean up the lakes and rivers by engaging community members through volunteer efforts at boat launches!
Fox-Wolf Adopt-a-Launch works to:
- Identify new introductions of aquatic invasive species.
- Prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species by removing plant and debris at launch sites.
- Improve and protect habitat and water quality by removing garbage.
- Help ensure recreational boating facilities are maintained by reporting issues.
- Develop a sense of pride and ownership for the Lakes among participants.
In addition to improving the boat launch you love, you get your name up for all to see! Our Adopt-a-Launch signs will be installed to show all launch users that your group cares about the lakes. Your group will gain the recognition it deserves for helping to protect and clean up your favorite lake or river.
What do Adopt-a-Launch volunteers do?
Volunteers visit their boat launch at least three times a year between April 1 and November 1. Safety is emphasized for all volunteers.
Each time volunteers visit their boat launch, they will:
- Look for aquatic invasive species at boat launches
- Remove plants from boat launch area
- Remove litter around boat launches.
- Report any issues with the boat launch or surrounding areas
All volunteers will be trained on all expected tasks and how to report and document aquatic invasive species, launch issues, etc.
Who can Adopt-a-Launch?
Any individual or group can adopt-a-launch. This includes but is not limited to: individuals, families, boy/girl scout groups, conservation clubs, angling clubs, boating clubs, yacht clubs, Boys and Girls Club groups, etc. Each group must provide one adult supervisor for every five or six volunteers*. It’s a great, fun way to get involved for everyone!
*Volunteers under the age of 14 with the written consent of a parent/guardian and under supervision of a responsible adult.
What does the Fox-Wolf AIS Program provide?
The Program trains volunteers and provides trash bags, safety vests, materials to search for aquatic invasive species, and a sign at the boat launch that acknowledges your group’s efforts. There is no charge for groups to participate in the Adopt-a-Launch Program.
In addition to training volunteers and supplying materials, the Program will promote the work of volunteers on social media, press releases, and our website. The Adopt-a-Launch Coordinator will also check in with volunteers periodically to help determine if more materials are needed and address any issues/concerns.
How can my group apply?
Each volunteer or group of volunteers adopts a boat landing by choosing a preferred site and contacting our AIS Coordinator Chris (contact information below). Chris will provide your group with an Adopt-a-Launch Application and assist you with choosing an available boat launch for adoption.
Interested? Contact our AIS Coordinator Chris!
Chris Acy, AIS Coordinator
Covering Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance OR 920-460-3674

Interested in contributing and helping maintain the Adopt-a-Launch Program?
Donations are accepted and appreciated!
Questions? Comments? Contact Chris Acy, the AIS Coordinator covering Brown, Outagamie, Fond du Lac, Calumet, and Winnebago Counties at (920) 460-3674 or!