Garbage Removed by Kayak and Overgrown Vegetation Trimmed at Restoration Site

On September 10th and 11th students from Oshkosh North High School worked to improve their neighborhoods by cleaning up and beautifying areas. Students are part of the Communities at Oshkosh North Program where learning and improvements to the community go hand-in-hand. On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, students wanted to display unity and service that was shown by many after that fateful day. More than 100 students ventured out into their communities to partner with local organizations to clean up parks and shorelines in Oshkosh. The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is a proud partner with the Communities at Oshkosh North Program and lead a few projects in the Miller’s Bay area. Our Outreach Coordinator Kelly lead a team of students and adult volunteers into kayaks to remove garbage floating in Miller’s Bay. Several bags of trash were removed from our local lakes and the amount of garbage in the bay was eye-opening to several of the students. Back on the shore, another team of students was lead by Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Chris Acy to remove overgrown vegetation at the Miller’s Bay Restoration Site. Some of the native plants have been thriving this summer and the site needs occasional maintenance and little TLC. The passion and dedication were clearly evident throughout the process and it was a blast to work with these students! Pictures from the event are below!

To view a news segment on the Communities Program Day of Service, CLICK HERE!

Questions? Comments? This article was written by Chris Acy and Kelly Reyer.

The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is an independent nonprofit organization that identifies and advocates effective policies and actions that protect, restore, and sustain water resources in the Fox-Wolf River Basin.