Join us for the 6th Annual Lower Fox Farmer Roundtable!
January 26th 9 – 11:30
While we are hosting this virtually in 2021, we are still bringing the great programing that has been at this event for the last 5 years.
Due to the virtual format, a couple changes have occurred and would love for you to tune in for all the sessions.
Our main event will be on January 26th from 9 – 11:30 and our theme this year is alternative forages.
We will start with a welcome from Alliance for the Great Lakes and the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance. This will be followed by a panel session made of farmers and nutritionists discussing their use of cover crops as alternative forages. Come ready to ask questions! We will wrap up the event with our keynote speaker Tom Kilcer who will talk about the economics of winter forage, nutrient retention, and the impact on following crops.
Since we cannot host our regular breakout sessions, we will be hosting one breakout session a week for three weeks. These breakout sessions will be hosted on the
Tuesdays following our main event, from 9 – 10 am.
Our first breakout session will focus on manure management with a focus on the use of a manure digestor and solids.
The following week, we will learn more about grazing from both conservational professions and a farmer.
Finally, we will wrap up the breakout sessions with more information about irrigation including discussions about pivot irrigation and an irrigation gun.
Thank you to our planning team and partners!