The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund is a unique conservation solution to the rapidly declining bird and bee habitat. This new grant program looks to work with private, public and corporate lands through the Seed A Legacy program by providing free, or heavily discounted seed mixes depending on the project size, pollinator seed mixtures as well as guidance on how to prepare, establish and manage pollinator habitat for 5 or more years.
This fund looks to put the best habitat where it makes sense, believing there is room for conservation on every farm and/or ranch in the country
Nutrition is the most basic and fundamental requirement for healthy pollinator populations and they work to give monarch butterflies, honey bees and native pollinators access to abundant, diverse and high-quality floral resources. This helps them live longer, be healthier, and become more productive all at the same time.
The Seed A Legacy Pollinator Habitat Program is available for private, public and corporate lands in Wisconsin and 11 other states. There is a 4 step process to apply, and applications are accepted year-round.
Wisconsin’s information includes the location of apiaries, and different pollinator mixes.
Explore the seed lists suggested for Wisconsin