The Winnebago Water Level Assessment Team provides a collaborative opportunity for stakeholder representatives and experts to develop realistic and achievable water level recommendations and related goals that reasonably balance the top priorities of multiple system users and the health of the lakes.

Meeting details:
Date: April 5th, 2021
Time: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Facilitator: Korin Doering, Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance,, (920) 851-0948
Location: Virtual meeting – call in details provided in the meeting agenda

Meeting objectives:

The format will be a little different than the typical WWLAT meeting with the goal of hearing from members about their observations, providing an opportunity to answer questions, and discussing any needs identified during the meeting. Results from the meeting discussion were used to represent the opinions of the WWLAT during the Army Corps conference call on April 6th.

CLICK HERE for the meeting agenda

CLICK HERE for the meeting presentation slides

To visit the WWLAT website, CLICK HERE.