Learn 2 Fish With Us mission is ‘Grow the sport of fishing by educating and inspiring beginner and experienced anglers’. This is done by educating attendees on the skills and equipment needed to begin open water or ice fishing. What you will learn at a open water fishing clinic is; safety while fishing, spin cast and spinning fishing combos, how to cast safely and accurately, different fishing presentations, how to tie a Palomar and Clinch knot, fish identification, live and artificial bait, keeping a fishing log, leave not trace and aquatic invasive species and keeping the environment safe. When we have the opportunity we take the
youth fishing by providing the bait and fishing combos.
Thanks to our sponsors we are able to give youth fishing related items such as fishing combos, tackle and hats. Each youth attending a fishing clinics will always
get a fishing educational book.
Is your group or organization looking for a FREE fishing clinic in 2022?
Let’s book your fishing clinic by contacting Greg at CaptainGreg@Learn2FishWithUs.com!!