The Butte des Morts Conservation Club, Winnebago County Land and Water Conservation Department, Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance, and WI DNR will be continuing construction efforts for the Terrell Island Breakwall Removal and Samers Bay Breakwall Restoration project in early 2022 (pending proper ice conditions).
Phase I project construction began last winter (early 2021) with 460 ft removed (of the total 1,400 feet planned) at Terrells Island. The removed rock was then used to build 1,000 feet of the new Samers Bay breakwall (of the 5,850 ft total length planned).
Goals for construction in early 2022:
- Complete Phase I:
- Remove remaining 940 ft of breakwall at Terrells Island (for an opening that totals 1,400 ft in length)
- Reuse removed rock to build 2,000 ft of breakwall at Samers Bay
- Add a turnaround point on the south end of the breakwall opening at Terrells Island
- Remove artificial rock islands located within Terrells Island
- Complete Phase II:
- Build remaining 2,850 ft of breakwall using new stone at Samers Bay
Contractors typically have a short window when ice conditions will support the heavy equipment and trucks needed to complete this type of work. Our team is dreaming of a hard, cold winter so the lake makes and maintains at least 2 ft of solid ice for construction traffic.
We want to thank our project partners for their ongoing dedication, hard work, and commitment to this project and our funders for helping to make this project happen. Check out more project photos and videos on the project web page.
CLICK HERE to visit the Terrell’s Island and Samers Bay project web page where you will find additional project details including a list of project partners, funding sources, photos, aerial videos, and more!
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative. Contact us at