The Community Collaborate Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) needs you to be a volunteer weather observer! The only requirements are an enthusiasm for watching weather and reporting conditions and a desire to learn more about how weather can affect and impact our lives.

You’ll be amazed at what you can learn as you become more aware of the variable weather that impacts you, your neighbors, our state and our entire county. Plus, you’ll help ground truth weather events, providing valuable information for improving weather forecasting models, drought and heavy rain assessment.

All you need to do is sign up, get trained, and purchase a rain gauge. Then start measuring rain, snow, or hail in your community.

Sign up now to help Wisconsin win the CoCoRaHS Cup! CoCoRaHS March Madness is a friendly contest between all 50 states to see who can recruit the most new volunteers during the 31 days of March. Check out this YouTube video:

The data is archived and available for public use and is important for the National Weather Service (NWS). The NWS uses CoCoRaHS information daily as it affects water levels in the rivershed, affects moisture in the soils and drought, can be used to evaluate precipitation trends, and assess flood risk. This time of year they are especially interested in snowfall reports and snow core measurements, which are measurements of the water content of the snowpack which affects how much water may runoff into the rivers. The NWS also uses CoCoRaHS data for drought and rainfall assessment.

>>CLICK HERE<< to sign up !