We are excited to welcome Sharon Cook to the Fox-Wolf team as our new Development Director. She will be working with individuals, businesses, and organizations to build support for the work we do, increasing our capacity and reach. Sharon brings over 15 years of experience in both non-profit management and fundraising, and has worked with people of all ages to inspire greater participation and build community.

A lifetime of hiking through the natural areas of our watershed has given Sharon a deep love of the trees found in our landscape. But when she’s not exploring the woods, there’s a good chance she’s sitting at her spinning wheel, turning wool into yarn. “Spinning wool gives you a chance to understand how much had to happen before you could knit a scarf,” Sharon says. “You learn about the sheep who gave the wool, the farmer who tended the sheep, the dyer who processed and colored the wool – all before you could pick up a skein of yarn.”

In the same way, protecting the watershed gives us a chance to understand everything that happens to the water before it ends up in Lake Winnebago or the shores of Green Bay. “Every step along the way matters,” Sharon notes, “and I’m pleased to be part of that process with Fox-Wolf.”

Welcome Sharon!

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative. Contact us at wwinfo@fwwa.org