Interested? Contact Dr. Robert Stelzer at

There are two buoy locations in the lake: 1. a north central buoy that is east of North Asylum Bay and 2. Neenah southeast of Riverside Park.
Sample collection can occur all summer, starting by June 1 and ending in October. Frequency of sample collection depends on your schedule! Sample collection consists of scooping surface water into a tube and training will be provided.
Buoy data can be viewed at
Volunteers are needed to collect water samples at offshore buoys in Lake Winnebago! The long term goal of this research project is to create forecasts of blue-green algae toxins in Lake Winnebago based on data from buoy sensors that measure water quality variables and weather patterns. In order to ensure the buoys are a good source of data, volunteers are needed to collect water samples to pair to buoy data!
Enjoy your time out on the water while helping gather information on the factors affecting blue-green algae.

Partners on the project are UW-Oshkosh, UW-Milwaukee, and Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance. Questions and volunteer interest should be sent to Dr. Robert Stelzer at Content provided by Dr. Robert Selzer and Todd Miller.
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative.
Contact us at