The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance set up an educational booth at the August 6th Levitt AMP concert series along the Fox River in Green Bay. On this Sunday evening, Fox-Wolf’s Trash Free Waters program was on site providing program information to concert attendees and
engaging local residents with “Cleanup Bingo”, where volunteers were given a reusable cleanup bingo card, trash grabbers, gloves, and a trash bag, and they set off to clean up litter in the park–hoping to get a “bingo” on their cards. Once they found a trash item from any horizontal, diagonal, or vertical line on the card, the volunteers returned to the Fox-Wolf booth to collect a prize item for their efforts. We had volunteers of all ages cleaning up at Leicht Memorial Park who removed over 12 pounds of trash from this public site.
Throughout Sunday evening, Fox-Wolf staff talked with many local residents about our basin, volunteer opportunities, and current projects we’re working on to improve water quality–we also got to listen to some fantastic music! We love being able to work with local residents who volunteer to help keep our water trash free! For all the latest Trash Free Waters news, volunteer opportunities, and outreach, make sure to subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter HERE.
To learn more about the free concert series sponsored by the Levitt Foundation, click HERE.

For more information, please contact:
Kelly Reyer
Trash Free Waters Program Coordinator
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance