If you would like to attend the Jan. 31, 2024 meeting either in-person or virtually, please RSVP to Katie Reed at katherine@fwwa.org or 920-851-6472 by 1/29/24. Thank you!
The Winnebago Water Level Assessment Team provides a collaborative opportunity for stakeholder representatives and experts to develop realistic and achievable water level recommendations and related goals that reasonably balance the top priorities of multiple system users and the health of the lakes.
Meeting details:
Date: January 31, 2024
Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Facilitator: Katie Reed, Winnebago Waterways Program Coordinator, Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance, katherine@fwwa.org, (920)851-6472 & Jim Wickersham, Winnebago Waterways Program Director, jim@fwwa.org
Where: Virtual and In person options – In Person at Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance office in Appleton & Virtual Option (see agenda for details)
CLICK HERE for the meeting agenda
CLICK HERE for the meeting notes and presentation slides
To visit the WWLAT website for other meeting notes and updates, CLICK HERE.
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative. Contact us at wwinfo@fwwa.org