Protecting Northeast Wisconsin’s Waterways: Stormwater Management with NEWSC

At the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance, we’re excited to highlight the great work being done by the Northeast Wisconsin Stormwater Consortium (NEWSC). NEWSC is dedicated to stormwater management and reducing pollution in our local rivers, lakes, and streams, like the Fox River and Lake Winnebago. By working with municipalities, businesses, and the public, they play a big part in keeping our waterways clean and healthy across Northeast Wisconsin.

Northeast Wisconsin Stormwater Consortium (NEWSC) is all about keeping local waterways clean and healthy by managing stormwater runoff. They work with municipalities, businesses, and the public to help reduce pollution that can end up in rivers, lakes, and streams.

NEWSC logo - Northeast Stormwater Consortium

Here’s What They Do:

  • Education & Outreach: NEWSC runs programs to help people understand how stormwater impacts the environment and what we can all do to help. This includes public campaigns, workshops, and simple tips for homeowners and businesses.

  • Technical Support: They help cities and towns with stormwater plans to make sure they’re following the rules and doing what’s best for the environment.

  • Collaboration: NEWSC brings different groups together to share knowledge and work on stormwater issues as a team.

Here’s Who they serve:

  • Municipalities that need to manage stormwater runoff according to regulations.

  • Businesses that want to be more environmentally friendly.

  • Homeowners and the public who can help by taking small steps like using rain barrels or reducing chemical use in yards.

  • Schools where students can learn about stormwater and how to protect water quality.

  • Municipalities, including cities like Green Bay, Oshkosh, and Appleton, that need to manage stormwater runoff according to state and federal regulations.

By working together as a region, NEWSC is able to take on stormwater challenges in a more impactful way. Protecting water quality helps reduce flooding, keeps pollutants out of our waterways, and preserves the natural environment in Northeast Wisconsin. Whether it’s cities, businesses, schools, or individual homeowners, everyone has a part to play in keeping our waters clean and healthy for future generations!

NEWSC’s efforts make a big difference in protecting our water resources and reducing the impact of stormwater runoff. By working together, we can all do our part to keep our waterways clean and healthy for future generations. Whether you’re a city, business, or homeowner, there are simple steps everyone can take to help protect water quality in Northeast Wisconsin!

Follow the Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance on our Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Facebook page or @fox_wolf_watershed_alliance on Instagram! You can also sign-up for email updates at

The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is an independent nonprofit organization that identifies and advocates effective policies and actions that protect, restore, and sustain water resources in the Fox-Wolf River Basin.

Reporting invasive species is a first step in containing their spread. Maintaining and restoring our waters and landscapes can reduce the impacts even when we don’t have other management options to an invasive species.