Invasive Species? Horticultrist Melinda Myers Can Help!
Managing invasive plants on your property can be overwhelming. We will discuss various strategies to help you manage these unwanted plants. Preventing their introduction into your landscape is the best place to start. Then slow the spread of those present by cutting back the plants or mowing at key times to prevent reseeding. Removing unwanted plants through manual, mechanical, and if needed chemical means and proper disposal will also be covered. The webinar is free but registration is required.
Speaker – Horticulturist, author, and speaker Melinda Myers. We hope you can join Melinda to learn more for your own homes!
Webinar: Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 6:30pm CT
Photo Credit: UW-Extension
Questions? Comments? Contact Chris Acy, the AIS Coordinator covering Brown, Outagamie, Fond du Lac, Calumet, and Winnebago Counties at (920) 460-3674 or!
Follow the Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance on our Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Facebook page or @fox_wolf_watershed_alliance on Instagram! You can also sign-up for email updates at
The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is an independent nonprofit organization that identifies and advocates effective policies and actions that protect, restore, and sustain water resources in the Fox-Wolf River Basin.
Reporting invasive species is a first step in containing their spread. Maintaining and restoring our waters and landscapes can reduce the impacts even when we don’t have other management options to an invasive species.