Our Mission: Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is working to protect, restore, and sustain the water resources of Wisconsin’s Fox-Wolf River Basin.

Our Vision is to have:

  • Waters that support their full range of uses with no waters on the ‘impaired waters list’
  • Public awareness of and support for water resources
  • Research that increases our understanding of the ecosystem and identifies cost-effective solutions to its problems
  • An adequate monitoring program in place to evaluate water quality

Fox-Wolf history

(coming soon… we’re double-checking our timeline)


Jeff Smudde, President – NEW Water

Nick Waldschmidt, Vice-President/Secretary-City of Fond du Lac

Danielle Santry, TreasurerCalumet County

Greg Baneck, Past President – Outagamie County

Chad Casper

Marcel Dijstrka

Kevin Fermanich

Rick Fox

Jon Lamers


Jeremy Freund, Outagamie County