Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is working to protect and restore the water resources of the Fox-Wolf River basin. We take a holistic approach to watershed management, working across traditional boundaries and priorities to improve water quality. We work at the scale of the entire watershed, because all of our waters are connected. A key component to our approach is engaging a wide variety of partners to maximize our impact.

Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is working to protect, restore, and sustain the water resources of Wisconsin’s Fox-Wolf River Basin.
Our vision is to have:
- Safe and accessible opportunities for aquatic recreation
- Sustainable, balanced, natural, edible fish communities
- A shoreline environment that enhances and sustains the wildlife of the river and bay
- Sustainable businesses, industry and development that are in harmony with and support the environment
- Waters that support their full range of uses, which results in no waters on the “impaired waters list”
- A sustainable supply of groundwater and drinking water
- A management strategy and organizational structure that coordinates public and private efforts to improve and protect natural resources
- An adequate monitoring program in place to evaluate the effectiveness of remedial actions, track trends and identify new problems
- Appropriate research that increases our understanding of the ecosystem and its problems and identifies cost-effective solutions
- Public awareness of, participation in and support for the aquatic resources.

We are an independent, non-profit organization:
- We are a total basin resource that provides unbiased information to support the development of responsible, well-informed policies and practices.
- We are a neutral partner that promotes the watershed concept to solve water quality issues.
- We seek effective ecosystem management based on good science and least-cost initiatives that emphasize resource protection and preservation.
- We employ a process that fosters open communication among all stakeholders in the basin to achieve broad-based support.
- As a catalyst for action, we provide information, education and research to empower others to solve problems. We make implementation a strong component of all our efforts.
- We are guided by a working board that is representative of the basin and is committed to protecting the resources. The board sets policy and program direction. The board is responsible for adequate funding of the organization. Our board and staff work together to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives.
- We are further supported by an advisory council that provides additional technical support and future vision.