2021 Winter Sowing Workshop Success!
Over the course of November 2021, we hosted 4 winter sow workshops. We got to partner with the girl scouts, 4-H, and a variety of other volunteers! The goal of this project is to [...]
Over the course of November 2021, we hosted 4 winter sow workshops. We got to partner with the girl scouts, 4-H, and a variety of other volunteers! The goal of this project is to [...]
Dave Simon (Prairie Rock Farms) and Chad Tasch (Tasch’s Custom LLC) were introduced to readers in the Basin Buzz this past summer as the Pipe Creek Farmer Champions. Working with the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance [...]
The Winnebago Waterways Program distributes a monthly e-newsletter with updates about projects from our staff as well as other regional partners doing amazing work [...]
Rat River Watershed Soil Health - Project Background The Winnebago Lakes drain over 5,900 square miles of land from the Upper Fox and Wolf River Basins. The surface water runoff that comes from [...]
The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance aims to improve water quality by partnering with Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation Department (LWCD) and local farmers in the Rat River Watershed on soil health.Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance announced today [...]
Our GLRI project partners, Fond du Lac County LWCD, organized a field day for Thursday, November 18th at 10am. They will be talking about our Pipe Creek Farmer Champion's 3-year project of continuous: no-till, [...]
Invasive Phragmites and Japanese Knotweed Populations To Be Mapped in Winnebago and Waupaca Counties For many years, populations of invasive Phragmites and Japanese knotweed have been increasing throughout Northeast Wisconsin. With severe consequences to [...]
Organisms in Trade: How Our Aquariums and Water Gardens Can Introduce New Animals and Plants Every few months, we put a spotlight on a different pathway aquatic invasive species can reach new waterways. The [...]
The Town of Calumet has been experiencing flooding in their township for years. Due to the natural landscape of living near the Niagara escarpment, steep slopes and runoff are common. The recent increases in [...]
It's fall in Wisconsin. Red, yellow, and orange leaves cover our trees and land. But when it comes to surface water, there's a downside to those beautiful fall leaves we can't wait to see when [...]