Water Quality Monitoring
Winnebago Waterways Recovery Area Water Quality Monitoring Program The Winnebago Waterways Water Quality Monitoring Program (WQMP) provides volunteer-based stream and lake water quality monitoring at priority [...]
Winnebago Waterways Recovery Area Water Quality Monitoring Program The Winnebago Waterways Water Quality Monitoring Program (WQMP) provides volunteer-based stream and lake water quality monitoring at priority [...]
The Winnebago Waterways program of the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance has partnered with BloomOptix, Ramboll, and Opseyes to help develop a technology to identify blue green algae blooms more quickly. The BloomOptix, Ramboll, Opseyes team [...]
Transportation and Utility Corridors: How the Ways We Get From Place to Place and Its Respective Upkeep Can Transport Invasive Species Transport pathways are the means by which aquatic invasive species (AIS) have been [...]
Restore your shore for our future generations. Improving habitat for bees, butterflies, turtles, and our fish can also protect our waterways for years to come! Have you wondered how you can improve [...]
Pipe Farmers - Project Background Lake Winnebago drains over 5,900 square miles of land from the Upper Fox and Wolf River Basins. The surface water runoff that comes from that huge area of [...]
Building Soil Health One field At a Time Farming methods listed below are examples of best management practices that can improve soil health and reduce soil erosion. Benefits of soil health practices [...]
Stop Aquatic Invasive Species In Their Tracks And Get a Free Towel The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance will again be joining the international effort to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species this July 4th [...]
Education Team Welcomes You to the Boat Launches Every summer, the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance and partner organizations across the state welcome new hires to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. These new [...]
Pipe Creek - What's happening: Zach Laughlin, Watershed Coordinator with Fond du Lac County, provided an update about our farmers from the Pipe Creek Watershed project. Dave Simon of Prairie Rock Farms: With the [...]
Get Rewarded For Draining Your Livewells and Coolers! The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance will again be teaming up with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) for Wisconsin’s annual Drain Campaign! This summer campaign will [...]