Fox-Wolf Watershed Cleanup - Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance

Saturday, May 3, 2025

Cleanup Countdown:

Everyone is welcome to volunteer!

This family-friendly event has welcomed volunteers of all ages.

Advance registration is requested to ensure proper supplies are available. Priority registration for members and sponsors opens two weeks prior to general registration.

Registration for all is now open!

Event Details

Northeast Wisconsin’s largest volunteer trash cleanup is happening Saturday, May 3, 2025. Join over 1,600 volunteers as we clean up over 65 public sites in our watershed. We anticipate removing over 7,000 pounds of trash.
Volunteer at your site
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Volunteers report directly to the cleanup site they registered for. Site Leaders will meet you at the site to hand out t-shirts and supplies, and to give you any special instructions.

Celebration picnic
Noon – 2:00 p.m.

Lunch, music, bounce houses, face painters, raffles, and more wait for all Cleanup volunteers taking place at TELULAH PARK 1300 E Newberry St., Appleton, WI.

(Note the new location this year, due to construction at Pierce Park)

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Learn about sponsorship levels and benefits here!
What is a Watershed?

A watershed is the entire area – land and waterways – that drain to a common source. The Fox-Wolf Watershed includes the geography that drains into the Wolf River, the Upper Fox River, the Winnebago pool lakes, and the Lower Fox River. This water all ends up in the bay of Green Bay, which flows into Lake Michigan and eventually out the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

Our watershed stretches from Crandon to Fond du Lac and from Portage to Green Bay. We can’t cover every park in our region, but working together, we can do a lot! Our annual cleanup aims to build a sense of community and increase understanding of the environmental stewardship necessary to improve water quality in our region.

What do volunteers do?

Volunteers start the morning at their assigned sites to clean up garbage and debris. You will be supplied with gloves, trash grabbers, bags, and everything else you need.

Then, at noon, volunteers are invited to join us for the annual Cleanup Picnic to enjoy lunch, music, bounce houses, raffles, and games. It’s fun for the whole family!

There are 65+ cleanup sites located along the Fox River, the Wolf River, Lake Butte des Morts, Lake Winnebago, Lake Winneconne, the East River, the bay of Green Bay, and more throughout the Fox-Wolf River Basin.


Diamond Sponsors ($5,000+)
Gold Sponsors ($2,500-4,999)
Silver Sponsors ($1,250-2,499)
Bronze Sponsors ($1,000-1,249)

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