Winnebago Waterways – Blog2024-01-29T12:22:25-06:00

The Winnebago Waterways Program distributes a monthly e-newsletter with updates about projects from our staff as well as other regional partners doing amazing work to improve and protect the Winnebago System. Past editions and articles are available on the menu to the right. Articles are posted below.

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Winnebago Waterways Blog

How do Invasive Species Get in Our Waterways? AIS Pathway Spotlight: Aquatic Sampling

Aquatic Sampling: Halting Accidental Transfer During the Best Laid Prevention Plans Every few months, we put a spotlight on a different pathway through which aquatic invasive species can reach new waterways. The next installation [...]

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative.
Contact us at wwinfo@fwwa.org

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