The Winnebago Waterways Program distributes a monthly e-newsletter with updates about projects from our staff as well as other regional partners doing amazing work to improve and protect the Winnebago System. Past editions and articles are available on the menu to the right. Articles are posted below.
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Winnebago Waterways Blog
Schultz Legacy Farms of Van Dyne Awarded 2022 Mathias-Lesczynski Water Quality Award
Lake Winnebago Quality Improvement Association (LWQIA) recognizes farmers who are leaders in conservation with their annual Mathias-Lesczynski Water Quality Award. The award is named after long time employee of the Fond du Lac County Land [...]
Roller Crimper – A Tool for Cover Crops
Adapted from an article originally submitted by Zach Laughlin, Fond du Lac County LWCD Dave Simon operating his roller crimper before planting in 2022 Dave Simon, one of our Pipe Farmer [...]
Adopt-a-Launch Program Growing, Make a Difference Today!
Eleven launches adopted; Help Maintain Your Favorite Launch and Be Recognized Today! The Fox-Wolf Adopt-a-Launch Program works to improve and clean up the lakes and rivers by engaging community members through volunteer efforts at [...]
2022 Landing Blitz – Fox-Wolf, partners bring AIS Prevention to Great Lakes
July 4th Weekend: Free Towels for Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance will again be joining the international effort to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species this July 4th weekend! The [...]
Fox River/Green Bay Natural Resource Trustee Council seeks Project Proposals
Does your organization have a restoration project idea? The Fox River/Green Bay NRDA Trustees support projects that restore, acquire, or enhance natural resources and their supporting habitats injured by the release of PCBs in the [...]
Meet our Rat River Farmer Champions
Our Rat River Farmer Champions are part of our Increase Adoption of Soil Health Conservation Systems in the Rat River Watershed project. Three farmers from the Rat River Watershed in Winnebago County have teamed up [...]
Fox-Wolf Partners with WI DNR for Annual Drain Campaign: June 3-5, 2022
The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance will again be teaming up with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) for Wisconsin’s annual Drain Campaign! This summer campaign will kick off June 3rd-5th, aligning with both the [...]
Winnebago Waterways Recently Held Healthy Lakes Workshop
The Winnebago Waterways Program at Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recently held a Healthy Lakes and Rivers Train the Trainer workshop at The Lodge in the Calumet County Park along the east shore of Lake Winnebago. [...]
Past Editions of the Winnebago Waterways Newsletter:
2023 Newsletters
2022 Newsletters
2021 Newsletters
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative.
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