The Winnebago Waterways Program distributes a monthly e-newsletter with updates about projects from our staff as well as other regional partners doing amazing work to improve and protect the Winnebago System. Past editions and articles are available on the menu to the right. Articles are posted below.
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Winnebago Waterways Blog
WI Native Plant Certification Scholarship for College Students
Wild Ones Fox Valley Area chapter has a new scholarship for college students to take courses as part of the Wisconsin Native Plant Certification program! Apply by June 2nd 2023! If you are enrolled in any college [...]
What’s That Plant? Know What’s In Your Water Garden
Ensuring Your Water Garden Doesn't Harbor Invasive Plants As you're choosing your plants for your water gardens and backyards this spring, be sure you aren't accidentally growing an invasive plant that could do harm [...]
Ice-Out officially called for Lake Winnebago – April 6, 2023
Ice out on Lake Winnebago was officially called by the Army Corps of Engineers on April 6, 2023 as determined by MODIS satellite imagery. Ice out (aka ice off) is when ALL ice is [...]
Total raised as a result of Go Green night at the Wisconsin Herd Game March 17, 2023
Thank you to the Wisconsin Herd, Oshkosh Arena, and Winnebago County and the Winnebago Solid Waste Department for having the Winnebago Waterways Program as the non-profit of the night at the Wisconsin Herd Game on [...]
Species Spotlight: American White Pelican
The American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) used to be a rare sight in Wisconsin, now these birds, with wingspans up to 9 feet, are frequently spotted in large numbers in the Winnebago System! The [...]
Local Business Continues Support of Water Quality Initiatives
Lifetime Business Member of Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance. A huge thank you to Rob and his team at Motto Inc. (pictured above), a locally owned and operated business, for their continued support of [...]
Terrells Island Trails to Open on May 8, 2023
Information from the Butte des Morts Conservation Club - original post here: Butte des Morts Conservation Club Facebook Terrells Island Trails will be open to the public starting Monday, May 8th, 2023. [...]
Volunteers needed – Wetland Restoration Planting
We are looking for 10-15 volunteers to help plant 2,720 plant plugs for a wetland restoration on the west side of Lake Winnebago. Volunteers are needed May 5th, 6th, and possibly 7th at Kalbus [...]
What Have We Learned in 30 Years of Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol?
Webinar: Learn the History, Safety, and Efficacy of the Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Program As part of Wisconsin Water Week 2023, join the statewide Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Program Coordinator Jeanne Scherer to reflect on the [...]
Past Editions of the Winnebago Waterways Newsletter:
2023 Newsletters
2022 Newsletters
2021 Newsletters
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative.
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