The Winnebago Waterways Program distributes a monthly e-newsletter with updates about projects from our staff as well as other regional partners doing amazing work to improve and protect the Winnebago System. Past editions and articles are available on the menu to the right. Articles are posted below.
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Winnebago Waterways Blog
Species Spotlight: Painted Turtle
As temperatures warm, start keeping an eye out for the beautiful painted turtle (Chrysemys picta), this month’s species spotlight. The painted turtle is the most common and widespread turtle in [...]
Help Protect Your Waters: Calling For Invasive Species Volunteers
Become Involved While Doing Your Favorite Activities This Summer As the temperature start to warm, I know I'm not the only one thinking about those warm weather opportunities! Kayaking? Fishing on the lake? Canoeing? [...]
Winnebago Waterways 2023 Farmer Roundtable Highlights Local Conservation
On February 15th 2023, farmers and watershed partners gathered for the second annual Winnebago Waterways Farmer Roundtable at Brighton Acres in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Hosted by Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance, events like this provide opportunities for [...]
Two Invasive Spiny Waterfleas Discovered in North End of Lake Winnebago
Two Individuals Found in Summer 2022 Monitoring Efforts A newly verified finding of spiny waterflea (Bythotrephes longimanus) was discovered in Lake Winnebago in Summer 2022. This finding represents the first verification of this species [...]
PSA: Carpet Cleaning
Nothing feels better than walking across clean carpet, except maybe wading through clean water on a warm summer day. Unfortunately, far too often dirty wash water from carpet cleaning is dumped down the driveway [...]
Kalbus Wetland Project Breaks Ground
Team SNW, LLC broke ground on the Kalbus Country Harbor wetland restoration project this past December 2022. Work completed includes: Site 1 - Hardwood Swamp: Restoration was initiated by scraping and moving spoils, topsoil, [...]
2023 Sturgeon Spearing Season in the Winnebago System
Where to find information about 2023 Sturgeon Spearing in the Winnebago System: Winnebago System Sturgeon Spearing - WDNR 2023 Sturgeon Spearing Regulations - WDNR A spearing license is required to [...]
Species Spotlight: Lake Sturgeon
This month’s species spotlight highlights a very popular and fascinating Wisconsin fish: Lake Sturgeon! Often the species referred to as just “sturgeon” in Wisconsin, lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) have other common names including freshwater [...]
Waushara Joins Multi-County Effort to Protect the Winnebago System
In January 2023, Waushara County became the newest member of the Winnebago Waterways Committee after signing on to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement. The Agreement, originally established by Winnebago, Calumet and Fond du Lac Counties [...]
Past Editions of the Winnebago Waterways Newsletter:
2023 Newsletters
2022 Newsletters
2021 Newsletters
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative.
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