The Winnebago Waterways Program distributes a monthly e-newsletter with updates about projects from our staff as well as other regional partners doing amazing work to improve and protect the Winnebago System. Past editions and articles are available on the menu to the right. Articles are posted below.
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Winnebago Waterways Blog
WWLAT MEETING: Feb. 3, 2023
The Winnebago Water Level Assessment Team provides a collaborative opportunity for stakeholder representatives and experts to develop realistic and achievable water level recommendations and related goals that reasonably balance the top priorities of multiple system [...]
Army Corps: Winter Call – Feb. 7, 2023
Army Corps website: To join the WWLAT, contact: Korin Doering Winnebago Waterways Director Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance 920-851-0948 Interested in joining other stakeholders in ongoing [...]
Our waters are Worth Protecting
Green Bay is the largest freshwater estuary in the world. The Fox River powers our industry and our farms. Lake Winnebago provides drinking water for over 200,000 people. Recreational fishing brings $287 million into [...]
Farmer Led
By Zach Laughlin, Fond du Lac County LWCD, Zach Laughlin from Fond du lac County Land and Water took the time to sit down with Tony Peirick to discuss the importance of farmers [...]
Drones for Cover Crops
By Justin Loehrke, Basin Ag Coordinator, Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance; This fall, you may have noticed more interest in the use of drones in agriculture. To learn more, I talked with Jeremy Williams from [...]
Water Quality Monitoring Wraps Up for 2022, THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!
The 2022 season for our Winnebago Waterways Recovery Area Water Quality Monitoring Program has wrapped up! Gary Doering, a lake water quality volunteer, uses a secchi disk to measure water clarity Winter [...]
Species Spotlight: Mallard
Though the turkey is a popular bird during the holiday season, this month’s species spotlight focuses on the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), a common and well-recognized Wisconsin waterfowl species. Water quality is very important to [...]
Welcome Sharon Cook to Fox-Wolf!
We are excited to welcome Sharon Cook to the Fox-Wolf team as our new Development Director. She will be working with individuals, businesses, and organizations to build support for the work we do, increasing [...]
Past Editions of the Winnebago Waterways Newsletter:
2023 Newsletters
2022 Newsletters
2021 Newsletters
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative.
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