Save Your Ash Trees! An EAB workshop hosted by Golden Sands RC&D for urban and woodlot owners
Saturday, June 3rd, 9:30am-3:30pm
Mosquito Hill Nature Center, New London, WI.
Golden Sands RC&D will have indoor presentations and outdoor field trips, covering everything from EAB basics, to how to contract a logger, to what utilization options are out there. They will also have two tracks with topics targeted for urban and woodlot property owners.
Registration is just $15 per person and includes lunch. A detailed agenda can be found by clicking here
Register by clicking here
*Information for events not sponsored by the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance has been taken directly out of communications from hosting organizations. Fox-Wolf staff will do everything possible to keep event calendar updated with new events and changes to events throughout the watershed but Fox-Wolf calendar users should confirm event details with hosting organization.