Lake Management Planning Technical Teams – status report as of 9/29/17
Water Quality Technical Team:
- Held first Team meeting in September
- Collecting existing information and data to add to the project document inventory
- Working to answer the following questions:
- How does the system function?
- Where is water quality at in each of the four lakes?
- How do we monitor in the future to assess progress?
- How do we document changes in water quality over time?
- What are the goals for water quality improvement?
- What would it take to delist the lakes from the EPA 303d impaired list?
- What are our limitations or barrier to reaching those goals?
- What are all of the management options to help reduce internal loading of nutrients and sediment?
- Next meeting will likely be held in late October or early November
Aquatic invasive species/Aquatic plant management Technical Team:
- Working to develop a plan to conduct full point-intercept surveys on all four Winnebago Lakes
- Currently drafting sampling grids for different sampling scenarios
- Plans to review different scenarios and choose the best option as a team based on number of sampling points, depth, light, and other factors
- Will request estimates from consultants once sampling grid is chosen
- Collecting existing information and data to add to the project document inventory
- Will begin drafting grant application to help fund PI survey project
- Next meeting will likely be held at the beginning of October
Habitat, Fish & Wildlife Team:
- Organized informational presentations for the public about water level management
- CLICK HERE for details on October presentations by the Army Corps of Engineers
- Will assess lakes based on available data to identify potential areas for habitat restoration and improvement
- Collecting aerial images to help assess aquatic vegetation change in the upper pool lakes over time
- Collecting other GIS data (bathymetry, breaklines, shoreline assessments)
- Next meeting will likely be held in middle or end of October
Recreational Lake Use, Access, & Navigation Team
- Working to develop recommendations to improve lake access for a variety of user groups
- Collecting information about navigation concerns
- For example: locations, management, and maintenance of navigation markers
- Will begin to form Focus Group for assistance with recommendations
- Next meeting will likely be held in November
Questions or feedback? Contact the Winnebago Waterways Program Coordinator at (920)851-0948 or