Our shoreline restoration and erosion control tour is quickly approaching!
The tour takes place on August 27th from 5:30-7:30 pm. Menominee County has worked to get us three pontoons to take around the lake to visit cost-share funded sites around Legend Lake.
We will start with check-in at the Legend Lake Lodge from 5:30-5:45. From there Jeremy Johnson, Menominee County, will talk about the shoreline restoration project at the Lodge and then we will head out onto lake. We plan to have everyone back to the landing by 7:30.
Due to the no-wake ordinances around Legend Lake, we will start with a boat ride across the Skice basin. We will visit a biolog and native plant shoreline restoration project for our first stop. We will then move counterclockwise, making our way back to the Lodge.
We will be visiting large scale rip-rap and soil erosion projects. Legend Lake has a lot of boat traffic during the open water months and it has led to shoreline loss. Menominee County has worked hard to make sure people around the lake don’t lose their shoreline by offering cost-sharing for beneficial shoreline improvements.
Space is limited so please RSVP soon! We hope to see you there!
The rain date for this event is August 29th, 2019.
Event Update
The shoreline tour was a half success! Fifteen people registered for the event, with thirteen attending. Our main concern was the weather which we watched carefully all day on August 27th.
Our attendees arrived at 5:30 and chatted in the parking lot while waivers were signed and introductions were made. We headed out from the Legend Lake Lodge right at 6:00 pm. The weather looked like it was on our side at the start of the tour. We made our trek across Skice Lake to our first, and furthest site. The first site is owned by the Legend Lake Property Owners Association and is an outlot right near County Highway VV. This site had 16 inch biologs installed in 2013 to help with erosion control.
While visiting the first site, a lot of great questions were asked about the installation, cost, and maintenance of biologs. Jeremy Johnson, Menominee County, had some experienced responses to a lot of the concerns with biologs. He volunteered his knowledge to any and all people interested in restoring their shoreline with biologs.
From there we headed on to our second site, a large shoreline restoration completed in 2008. This property installed 16 inch biologs and rock rip-rap to help with the extensive wind/boater wave action their shoreline experiences. They also planted thousands of plants around their shoreline. As we were discussing this site, rain was seen in the distance. Then we saw the lightning. We pulled anchor as quickly as we could and started racing back to the boat landing – all the way on the other side of the lake.
Everyone on the tour ended up being soaked in the rain, and they were all great sports about it. After everyone ran for cover, we discussed a few more of the sites we weren’t able to visit. The geoweb cellular structure that Menominee County used to help stabilize a steep slope on the lake was the most interesting. A steep slope can be hard to stabilize but by using tools at our disposal, we can help solve the shoreline erosion problem.
As everyone was heading out, a rainbow appeared to send us on our way.