We love seeing the pictures of your catch, but let’s all work together to keep those fish alive and swimming afterwards!

This information originally shared by the WDNR:

Fish have delicate gills and jaw muscles, and holding a fish by its gills or lower jaw can cause permanent damage, making it hard for them to eat after being released. Instead, hold your catch with two hands and gently release it back into the water.

It’s important to reduce the stress on a fish after it has been caught. You can increase a fish’s chances for survival after being released by keeping a few things in mind:

  • Land the fish as quickly as possible.
  • Keep the fish in the water as much as possible.
  • Handle the fish as little as possible. Use wet hands or gloves.
  • If the fish is deeply hooked, cut the line and let the fish go.
  • Treat the fish gently throughout the release.

Visit the DNR’s website for tips on releasing different kinds of fish.

Cover photo courtesy of the Wisconsin DNR.