Team SNW, LLC broke ground on the Kalbus Country Harbor wetland restoration project this past December 2022. Work completed includes:
Site 1 – Hardwood Swamp:
- Restoration was initiated by scraping and moving spoils, topsoil, and other debris.
- Dead trees were cleared.
- Restoration will continue once weather conditions are appropriate.
Site 2 – Scrapes A & B:
- Erosion control barriers were put in place
- The old farm field was scraped; spoils and topsoil were removed
- Clay from selected areas within the scrapes was used to build Berm 1.
- A shallow layer of the topsoil was added to the scraped areas and berm in preparation for seeding.
Site 2 – Berm 1 and Water Level Control Structure:
- The field that was previously farmed was scraped the length of Berm 1 down to the clay which required the removal of 2.5 feet of sediment and topsoil; some areas in the North end were dug deeper.
- Berm 1 was then backfilled with 4 feet of clay to bring it to the designated grade level; rough topsoil grade is also in place.
- The Water-level Control Structure was put in place; the unit was backfilled with clay and finished to final grade.
- Muskrat drain tile guards were added to the inlet and discharge pipe
- Erosion control fabric and field stone were laid down to prevent erosion during high water events.
- A shallow layer of the topsoil was added to the scraped areas and berm in preparation for seeding.
Site 3 – Scrape D:
- The old farm field was scraped; spoils and topsoil were removed
- The next step is to cap the clay berm with topsoil and seed
Restoration work will continue in spring as weather conditions allow. We can’t wait to see this project with lush wetland vegetation in the next couple of years!
Project funding and partners:

Read more about the Kalbus restoration project: CLICK HERE
Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative. Contact us at