2023-25 WI State Biennial Budget Request for Dedicated WI DNR Staff to Support Restoration of Wisconsin’s Largest Inland Lake System
In January 2022, the Winnebago Waterways Executive Committee submitted a letter to Governor Evers requesting that he restore the number of DNR staff dedicated to the Winnebago System. Governor Evers responded by including two full-time DNR positions for the Winnebago System in his recommended 2023-25 Biennial Budget. These positions, dedicated to the Winnebago System, would assist local counties, townships and non-profit groups with strategic implementation of habitat and water quality restoration efforts.
To help ensure that the Wisconsin Joint Finance Committee understand the importance of including budget item in the final biennial state budget, we are inviting organizations and individuals to join the Winnebago Waterways Coalition to support this specific budget request.
Sign up by 5/01/2023
Direct link to this webpage: www.fwwa.org/WWcoalition
As organizations and individuals join the coalition, their names and contact information will be added to the legislative budget request packet. The latest version of the packet is available to view and download: CLICK HERE
Members of the Winnebago Waterways Coalition will contact Wisconsin State Legislators to ask the Joint Finance Committee to include 2.0 FTE SEG WI DNR positions in the 2023-25 Biennial State Budget. These positions, dedicated to the Winnebago System, would assist local counties, townships and non-profit groups with strategic implementation of the Winnebago Waterways Recovery Plan.
We also encourage those interested to contact their legislators directly to emphasize the importance of this budget item and invite others to sign-up for the coalition. Here is a list of elected representatives with contact information: CLICK HERE
This list includes state representatives with districts that intersect with the Winnebago Waterways Recovery Area and the Joint Finance Committee.
CLICK HERE for a map of the Winnebago Waterways Recovery Area.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the Winnebago Waterways Recovery Initiative.
CLICK HERE for more information about this budget request
CLICK HERE to learn about the Winnebago Waterways Executive Committee
CLICK HERE to view the letter to the Governor
CLICK HERE to view the Governor’s recommended 2023-25 Biennial Budget
CLICK HERE for information about the Wisconsin State Budget Process.
CLICK HERE for a list of coalition members
For questions, please contact Korin Doering at korin@fwwa.org or (920) 851-0948
Wisconsin State Budget Process Timeline
Source: UW-Madison and the State Budget website

Winnebago Waterways Coalition Members

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative. Contact us at wwinfo@fwwa.org