DNR offers virtual Floodplain Management 101 Workshop – Oct. 7, 2020
CLICK HERE to register
The Winnebago Water Level Assessment Team provides a collaborative opportunity for stakeholder representatives and experts to develop realistic and achievable water level recommendations and related goals that reasonably balance the top priorities of multiple [...]
The Army Corps of Engineers will be holding their annual fall regulation meeting virtually this year. The notice for the 2020 meeting was recently released. The meeting is for interagency coordination concerning the regulation [...]
Check out our latest edition of the Basin Buzz. You can use the Flipbook below to view the Basin Buzz here, or feel free to download a PDF copy. Enjoy! [...]
One of the things we’ve heard over the last two years is that once native plant projects are installed, that it can be hard to continue to identify the plants present. In April, we [...]
At Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance we have several active volunteer projects across the Fox-Wolf Basin. Our volunteers help with large-scale clean-ups, monitoring water quality, searching for invasive species, and even identifying macroinvertebrates! This article [...]
Northeast Wisconsin Hunter Safety - Field Day Certification One of the missions of Wisconsin Waterfowl Association (WWA) is education. WWA's founding fathers wanted to ensure that youth education was a priority for the Organization. [...]
2020 has been the year of virtual events; we are working remotely and meeting through our computer screens. People are getting outside in increased numbers and doing more to improve their home space due [...]
Outagamie County with support from Brown County, Oneida Nation and NEW Water, has established a Soil Health Equipment and Demonstration Facility (S.H.E.D). This 25 acre facility will showcase innovative equipment and cropping practices as [...]
One of the things we’ve heard over the last two years is that once native plant projects are installed, that it can be hard to continue to identify the plants present. In April, we [...]