Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance offers a variety of e-newsletters, blog posts, and printed publications for diverse audiences. Join the over 5,000 subscribers who receive monthly e-newsletters or occasional emails.
- Watershed Moments is a quarterly publication sharing the stories of lives impacted by our work.
- The Winnebago Waterways and Keepers of the Fox e-newsletters report on topics within their geographic areas.
- The Basin Buzz is a semi-annual printed newsletter that focuses on soil health and conservation agriculture.
- Many of the stories from these sources are posted here on our blog or are linked on our social media pages.
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Recent Articles
Alligator Found on Lake Michigan Beach
South Milwaukee Police find Gator in Grant Park Original Story: We Are Green Bay Alligators are native to the southern portion of the United States, which has [...]
Doing the Right Thing: An interview with a 5th Grader
Most kids are not too excited about cleaning. I know my kids groan when I remind them of their daily chores. That's why it was remarkable, and certainly [...]
Species Spotlight: Great Blue Lobelia
The species spotlighted this month is Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica)! Also known as Blue Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia is a perennial wildflower native to Wisconsin [...]
Waterfowl Hunting? Protect Those Places
Take 5 Minutes Each Hunt for Invasive Species Prevention Original Story: WDNR Invasive species are nonnative plants, animals and diseases that cause great ecological, environmental or economic [...]
Virtual Grazing Field Day
Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is excited to host a Field Day event with Outagamie County at VandeWettering Farms in Greenleaf. Farmers are invited to come learn about virtual [...]
Preparing Water Gardens for Winter
Be Careful With Those Plants; Dispose but Don't Release! Original story: Melinda Myers As we start see leaves drop, lots of folks are starting to prepare their [...]
Welcome Tim, Skylar, and Hanna!
Thanks to our Climate Smart grants, Fox-Wolf is expanding! We have recently welcomed three new staff to help implement these projects across the watershed. Tim, Skylar, and Hanna [...]
Watershed Moments: We Lost the Wetlands
Not many of us have seen the birth — and death — of an entire ecosystem, right in our own backyard. But when Tom Mace was 9 [...]
WWLAT MEETING: Sept. 27, 2023
The Winnebago Water Level Assessment Team provides a collaborative opportunity for stakeholder representatives and experts to develop realistic and achievable water level recommendations and related goals that [...]