$1.6 million Awarded to Fox-Wolf for Water Quality
NEWS RELEASE - We are excited to announce that we were awarded over $1.6 million for two projects that aim to improve water quality in Lake Winnebago, the Fox River, and the Bay of [...]
NEWS RELEASE - We are excited to announce that we were awarded over $1.6 million for two projects that aim to improve water quality in Lake Winnebago, the Fox River, and the Bay of [...]
The water quality (e.g., total phosphorus, water clarity) and biological conditions (e.g. algal community, aquatic plants, fishes) within the breakwall at Terrell's Island are currently degraded. Data collected by Ted Johnson [...]
Terrells Island and Samers Bay Project Overview Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance (Fox-Wolf), Butte des Morts Conservation Club (BDMCC), Winnebago County (WC), and the Wisconsin Department of Natural [...]
UPDATE: Despite the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturning Governor Ever’s extended stay-at-home order, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources advises groups to suspend Clean Boats, Clean Waters activities until June 1st and adhere to the [...]
As Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly, Robin Vos created the Task force on Water Quality to gather information and make policy recommendations for the improvement of both ground water and surface water quality in [...]
Purple loosestrife is an exotic perennial weed invading wetlands, shorelines, and roadside ditches across the Midwest. After introduction to North America in the early 1800s, purple loosestrife likely traveled to the Great Lakes region [...]
Are you concerned about the water quality in your local stream, river or lake? Shawano County, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Connecting Our Waters, the Waterways of Menominee and Shawano Counties, and the [...]
Planning is in the works for the 2020 Fox-Wolf Watershed Cleanup. The cleanup is a large-scale effort that has 1,000+ volunteers heading out to over 60 sites throughout the basin and cleaning up the [...]
The Clean Bay Backers hosted the 6th annual Bringing Back the Bay Tour on Monday, September 9th. This year's tour focused on celebrating the conclusion of PCB dredging efforts and protecting our waters from emerging [...]
From NRCS: New Upper Fox-Wolf Demonstration Farm Network Thriving in Northeast Wisconsin The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS) and Waupaca County Land & Water Conservation Department, in partnership with Fond [...]