Sturgeon Guard!
Every year the sturgeon move up the Wolf River to spawn and every year the sturgeon guard heads out to make sure the ancient fish make it safely. Volunteers sign up prior to the [...]
Every year the sturgeon move up the Wolf River to spawn and every year the sturgeon guard heads out to make sure the ancient fish make it safely. Volunteers sign up prior to the [...]
Connecting Our Waters conducted a survey focused on waterfront property owners whom have completed shoreline restoration projects. Almost all the people interviewed added an area of native plants to the edge of their waterfront [...]
Winnebago Waterways Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Presents Update on Water Hyacinth At the Wisconsin Lakes Conference on April 10-12th, property owners, lake managers, DNR employees, and concerned citizens gathered in Steven's Point to learn [...]
Connecting Our Waters attended the 39th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society (MAPMS). Watershed Coordinator, Emily Henrigillis, gave a talk on building organizational capacity through social media. While a different topic than most the talks at [...]
On February 26th, the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance’s AIS Coordinator (AISC) for Shawano and Menominee Counties attended the Timberland Invasives Partnership Annual (TIP) Meeting. The Timberland Invasives Partnership is a Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) encompassing Langlade, Menominee, Oconto and Shawano [...]
The 2019 year is kicking off well for aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention as more initiatives and campaigns are becoming introduced into new areas. In Shawano County, the bait shop initiative is in the [...]
The third and final day of Cow College 2019 consisted of a field trip! We first headed to Henschel’s Dairy Farm in Manawa, WI. They currently milk 350 cows in a 6-row, sand bedded, [...]
UW-Extension, and more specifically the Dairy Team, are hosting the 2019 Cow College at the Fox Valley Technical College Regional Center in Clintonville, WI. A three-day course over the span of three week, focuses [...]
The Mammary Gland and the Transition Period UW-Extension, and more specifically the Dairy Team, are hosting the 2019 Cow College at the Fox Valley Technical College Regional Center in Clintonville, WI. A three-day course over the [...]
As of at least 2014, both Shawano and Menominee Counties have had an Invasive Species Management plan (ISMP). These plans provide a structured and strategic approach to manage, maintain, and prevent potential new invasive [...]