Water Hyacinth Issue in Winneconne Highlighted at WI Lakes Convention

By |2019-05-06T11:08:34-05:00April 25th, 2019|

Winnebago Waterways Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Presents Update on Water Hyacinth At the Wisconsin Lakes Conference on April 10-12th, property owners, lake managers, DNR employees, and concerned citizens gathered in Steven's Point to learn [...]

Connecting Our Waters presents at the 39th Annual MAPMS Conference

By |2019-03-21T13:34:33-05:00March 21st, 2019|

Connecting Our Waters attended the 39th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society (MAPMS). Watershed Coordinator, Emily Henrigillis, gave a talk on building organizational capacity through social media. While a different topic than most the talks at [...]

Timberland Invasive Partnership Annual Meeting – February 26th, 2019

By |2019-03-21T10:19:17-05:00March 21st, 2019|

On February 26th, the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance’s AIS Coordinator (AISC) for Shawano and Menominee Counties attended the Timberland Invasives Partnership Annual (TIP) Meeting. The Timberland Invasives Partnership is a Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) encompassing Langlade, Menominee, Oconto and Shawano [...]

Invasive Species are Getting an Update in Shawano and Menominee Counties

By |2018-12-31T09:41:59-06:00December 31st, 2018|

As of at least 2014, both Shawano and Menominee Counties have had an Invasive Species Management plan (ISMP). These plans provide a structured and strategic approach to manage, maintain, and prevent potential new invasive [...]

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