Volunteer Winter Sow Program
The Winnebago Waterways program is working to start a volunteer led native plant program for the Winnebago Waterways Recovery Area. During the 2019 Wisconsin Lakes Convention, a workshop led by the Dane County LCD [...]
The Winnebago Waterways program is working to start a volunteer led native plant program for the Winnebago Waterways Recovery Area. During the 2019 Wisconsin Lakes Convention, a workshop led by the Dane County LCD [...]
Fox-Wolf has contracted with the City of Appleton for the past nine years and has provided watershed-based lessons for campers attending Camp APRD. Campers can register for one week of camp, or the entire [...]
Restore your shore for our future generations. Improving habitat for bees, butterflies, turtles, and our fish can also protect our waterways for years to come! Have you wondered how you can improve [...]
The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance and the Northeast Wisconsin Stormwater Consortium (NEWSC) were recently awarded a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Surface Water Education Grant to fund stormwater education in 2021 and 2022. The grant, Changing Stormwater [...]
Some of the smaller electronics recycled during the event. After a year-long exhibiting hiatus due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Fox-Wolf kicked off 2021 educational outreach in the Town of Black Wolf, a member [...]
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Interim Municipal Phosphorus Reduction Credit for Leaf Management Programs Guidance is now available for review and public comment. Comments and questions should be summited by March 5, [...]
This winter, the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance is challenging residents to tackle litter in the Fox-Wolf river basin. In addition to being an eyesore, litter contributes to water quality problems in rivers and lakes. Litter has [...]
Join the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance, partners, and volunteers this winter to monitor for chlorides in streams throughout the Fox-Wolf River Basin. We currently have volunteers monitoring Ashwaubenon Creek in the Green Bay area, Sawyer [...]
The Clean Bay Backers hosted a State of the Bay virtual event on Tuesday, September 29th from 9-11 a.m. The virtual press briefing opened with remarks from Congressman Mike Gallagher and Senator Tammy Baldwin. [...]
The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance was recently awarded a 2020 River Planning grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). The grant, titled Celebrating Green Infrastructure [...]