Annual Drain Campaign & Landing Blitz at Lake or River Near You

By |2020-07-02T16:33:08-05:00July 2nd, 2020|

Wisconsin’s annual campaign that reminds boaters to drain all lake and river water, clean equipment, and check watercraft for aquatic invasive species experienced a slight change this year due to Covid-19. This week, the [...]

Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Project Planned for 2020; Program Seeking Volunteers

By |2019-12-20T15:22:37-06:00December 20th, 2019|

Purple loosestrife is an exotic perennial weed invading wetlands, shorelines, and roadside ditches across the Midwest. After introduction to North America in the early 1800s, purple loosestrife likely traveled to the Great Lakes region [...]

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