Walleyes for Tomorrow (WFT) is a project-oriented organization that works to increase the population of walleye in the waters where habitat projects are undertaken. From their first project in 1991 at the Eureka Dam on the Fox River in Wisconsin, WFT has been actively promoting more robust walleye populations through spawning habitat construction, enhancement and rehabilitation.
Walleyes for Tomorrow has completed an impressive amount of work over the years for walleye in the Winnebago System. Despite their name, the organization has also worked to improve sauger populations and habitat on Lake Winnebago. You can view their project list on their website: CLICK HERE
WFT recently released a series of videos of their Chairman, Mike Arrowood, who provides an overview of the organization as well as background information about the sauger projects on Lake Winnebago.

Mike Arrowood – Chairman of WFT
- Who are Walleyes for Tomorrow? CLICK HERE
- Mike talks about how the hatcheries are operated and the impact they have. CLICK HERE
- Mike Arrowwood talks about the importance of the refs installed on Lake Winnebago. CLICK HERE
- Breakdown from Mike Arrowwood on the Sauger program from Walleyes For Tomorrow on Lake Winnebago. CLICK HERE
- Mike explains the history of the Sauger program and what is being done today to increase the Sauger population in the Winnebago system. CLICK HERE
Sauger share the walleye’s body shape but not their marking pattern. Here are some tips for how to tell the two different species apart:
Walleye (Sander vitreus): A white triangular mark on their tail fin, and large eyes, which help them see well in low light, help to make these members of the perch family easy to identify.

Sauger (Sander canadensis): What sets them apart from walleye is their smaller size; a polka-dotted dorsal fin; the lack of a white patch on the tail fin; and black and rusty blotches on their sides.

Walleyes for Tomorrow website: CLICK HERE
Walleyes for Tomorrow Facebook page: CLICK HERE
A big shoutout to WFT for all they do!