Shoreline Restoration and you
Have you ever been frustrated with the presence of geese on your lawn? Has the presence of algae in front of your waterfront property caused you to not enjoy being at the cabin? Do [...]
Have you ever been frustrated with the presence of geese on your lawn? Has the presence of algae in front of your waterfront property caused you to not enjoy being at the cabin? Do [...]
On December 11, 2018 the Shawano County Land Conservation Department hosted a SnapPlus training for farmers throughout Shawano County. SnapPlus v.18 is nutrient management planning software specific for Wisconsin. Snap stands for Soil Nutrient Application Planner and is a program [...]
Shawano Downtown and the Shawano Parks & Recreation Department are a hosting tree lighting ceremony at Franklin Park on November 24, 2018. Each tree has been sponsored by a business or non-profit and will be decorated by their sponsor. [...]
On October 11, 2018, Green Valley Dairy hosted a soil health field day for farmers in the area. It was extremely windy but a beautiful fall day, none the less. A group of over [...]
The Waterways Association of Menominee and Shawano Counties (WAMSCO) has been in operation since 2014. They are a paid membership service for lake organizations throughout Shawano and Menominee Counties. The group was originally started by Brenda [...]
What is Japanese knotweed? Perhaps you have seen patches of bushes with seemingly lovely white flowers along the highway or roads. Well, did you know that this could be a detrimental invasive species known [...]
It was a warm fall day in September as we launched our kayaks on Lulu Lake. Brady Stockwell, AIS coordinator for Shawano and Menominee County, and I started exploring the lake. The original goal for [...]
Citizens Help Search for Invasive Species at Aquatic Invasive Species Snapshot Day 2018 On August 18th, the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance teamed up with partners across the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota for the fifth [...]
The Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance was lucky to attend the Shawano County Conservation Partners – Soil & Water Conservation Tour on August 2nd, 2018. A dreary morning, with some light rain, followed the group through [...]
The Overarching Message With the summer now in full swing, so is the activity of anglers and recreational lake goers, and this past 4th of July holiday was no exception. From the 29th [...]