Invasive Species are Getting an Update in Shawano and Menominee Counties

By |2018-12-31T09:41:59-06:00December 31st, 2018|

As of at least 2014, both Shawano and Menominee Counties have had an Invasive Species Management plan (ISMP). These plans provide a structured and strategic approach to manage, maintain, and prevent potential new invasive [...]

SnapPlus Training, Shawano County, December 11th, 2018

By |2019-09-05T19:52:56-05:00December 16th, 2018|

On December 11, 2018 the Shawano County Land Conservation Department hosted a SnapPlus training for farmers throughout Shawano County.   SnapPlus v.18 is nutrient management planning software specific for Wisconsin. Snap stands for Soil Nutrient Application Planner and is a program [...]

Holiday Stroll and Tree Lighting – Downtown Shawano November 24, 2018 

By |2019-09-05T19:53:10-05:00November 13th, 2018|

Shawano Downtown and the Shawano Parks & Recreation Department are a hosting tree lighting ceremony at Franklin Park on November 24, 2018. Each tree has been sponsored by a business or non-profit and will be decorated by their sponsor.  [...]

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